Reply To: Re: Does PPPay ring a bell?


I am officialy a weapon of mass destruction!! I’ve always known it! :laugh: I read up on the safety of panty selling and apparently it’s impossible for it to be hazardous to health because of the amount of time spent between wearing and recieving. Although they think it’s possible that you could be cloned using them!! 😛

If you’re looking for a head start then Darcy’s got through a fair few methods, lol!!! I think the Uk lot have united in using Nochex, pretty much everyone uses that, it’s just attempting to find an international one that is used across the board. A good review might encourage peeps to stick to a basic couple. It’s so time consuming finding them, reading the T&C’s etc…

Shall keeps my eyes open to see what Pinky The Pig comes up with!! :kiss:


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