Reply To: Re: Does PPPay ring a bell?


Pink, a lass after my own heart, I bet no one reads those bleeping things and I bet the companies love it because they can do what they like and change them etc and no one would know because they didnt read it in the first place. And even if you do read it, it’s very rarely in English!

Apparently selling used panties is against the biochemical warfare act and weapons of mass destruction……seriously…..because what we are sending could be seen as spreading diseases etc (even though we are all clean) No one likes us to use our initiative and make some money!

What I dont get is that they say adult but not sexual, surely adult means sexual content? What about people who sell sex aids? (That’s what I am intending to say I sell)

I’ve been looking into worldpay at the moment, they look quite good. I think the best thing we can all do is try to stick with a couple of good companies so that guys will sign up to them as we all use them. It’s just a bitch having to look into them all, and you never know they’re goign to suck until they screw you over!

Darcy xxxx


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