Reply To: Re: Paypal Warning


They are absolute bastards, no idea of customer service, just complete and utter frelling bleeping bleeps! *Sorry they make me very angry!*
I set up an account with them and did it trhough my po box, they happily let me accept payments for about two months then suspended it as my asccount was ‘risky’ it was nothing to do with my panty site. It was ‘risky’ I sent about 20 emails asking what this meant and kept getting frelling automated responses. I want impressed so I put on the topic line of the email ‘I DON;T WANT ANOTHER BLOODY AUTOMATED RESPONSE’ I then got a proper one, but still no real explanation of why it was risky (I assume it was because I put a po box as my address) so they have yet more of my money in an account which they are making interest on. BASTARDS!

ANYWAY! Does anyone yet know of a good american payment system, I don’t like yowcow and I wasnt fussed by ikobo, any others that aren’t ass holes or rip off merchants:huh: Oh yeah stormpay sucks ass as well.

Darcy xxxx


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