10 Marketing Strategies for your used panty business
Pantydeal is a platform which offers used panty sellers and buyers a safe and easy way to market and purchase used underwear from sexy women of all walks of life.
To propel your used panty business to a higher level on Pantydeal, you need to be aware of the following strategies, which have been proven to be effective.

Secrets for Selling a Lot of wet Panties
1. Wear those sexy panties, get them wet and wear the next ones right away
Many panty sniffers would like to get something extra and they are willing to pay more for the same. You will need to be willing to go an extra mile to satisfy some of these fetishes if possible. Don’t be afraid of wearing those sexy panties and getting them wet with your vaginal discharge.
2. Identify your target panty sniffer, find out what he is into, and think like that customer and what he wants in all aspects of your marketing
Knowing and understanding your target group of panty sniffers will give you an idea of what they would like to get especially when you are taking photos or videos of you in your sexy underwear. It is with your understanding of your customers that you will be able to come up with products that meet specific yearnings of your customers.
3. Don’t be some kind of amateurish. Be totally professional in every aspect of your production when publishing photos and videos
When making the videos and photos of you in the sexy panties, it is advisable that you be professional in every aspect of the production and publishing; only doing what your customers are requesting. Please note that some customers will come with strange requests and it will be up to you know how to deal with such requests without sending them away.
4. Carve out a distinctive market niche in the panty business
Just like any business, the price of what you are selling needs to be competitive. The prices of your wet panties need to be competitive. This means, you shouldn’t price your soiled underwear too high or too low, as it is the prices that will determine how much you will be making at the end of the day.
5. Don’t price your your wet panties too low or too high. Price them to be competitive
Distinguishing yourself from other sellers is a great marketing strategy and one of the best ways to do that is being unique by having a specific fetish like wearing the panties to the gym and then selling them or wearing the same panties for more than a day or masturbating in them.
6. Don’t be a “panty-spammer.” Instead, establish a personal, returning and rewarding relationship with your customers
In as much you should be aggressive in attracting and maintaining customers, it is best that you refrain from “panty spamming” your customers. Instead, get to know some personal information about them, like their birthdays, so that you could send them gifts during such days or give them a discount.
7. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews of your used panties on Pantydeal
Encouraging your customers to leave reviews after a transaction has been completed greatly helps other potential buyers understand the quality of your services. In fact, it is from these reviews that you know whether you are marketing your sexy panties well and also whether there is anything else that your customers would want you to do.
8. Utilize Pantybdeal’s marketing tools
Pantydeal.com offers a variety of tools used to assist your business to grow. It is advisable that you maximize on the functions of such tools in reaching out to your customers in addition to marketing yourself. These tools include creation of interview pages, reviews, creation of classified and other effective marketing tools.
9. Get in contact with the hundreds of customers waiting at Pantydeal
The website has a wide collection of used panty sellers and buyers. It therefore offers a great opportunity for you to get in contact with the readily available customers on Pantydeal. In addition, these customers are usually verified by the site and therefore you should not worry about getting duped.
10. Be discreet and let customers stay anonymous when sending panties or getting paid
Many customers who visit panty deal will always want to make transactions on the site discreetly and therefore it is important that you respect that. This means that even when you are packing and sending the used panty to your customer, you should try as much as possible not to reveal any information which the customer doesn’t want disclosed.