Panty Hog Second Life Panty Seller Stores
This is a directory of panty seller stores available at Panty Hog in Second Life. Click the following links to go directly to the seller's store.
You must have a Second Life account for these links to work. If you do not have a Second Life account you're missing out on a shit load of sexy fun at Panty Hog SL. To create a Second Life account for free, please click here.
Links to Panty Hog SL Areas
Panty Hog SL
Panty Hog's main sales, play, and entertainment complex in Second Life.
Cindy's Panty Paradise and Playtime Sex Toys
Glittergirl's Lil' Slice of SL
Jarael Cardiff's (Sexy Black Girl's) Special Used Panties Shop
Where you can buy reasonably priced worn panties and other goodies.
Panty Trust Second Life Field Office